Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying your holiday. This post has been in my drafts for a while now and I'm really glad that I can finally publish it. Remember the post where I talked about Conflicting Theories? Well, an expert was quoted on Blackgirllonghair.com as saying that oils and butters do not seal in moisture and suffocate the hair. Her exact words were: ''Oil does not seal in moisture . Oil coats the hair and repeals natural moisture [from the environment]. It causes dehydration, dullness, and frizziness. Our hair is like us, it needs to breathe. If we suffocate it [with oils], it dries out." There was a lot of debate on the blog as to whether this statement was true or false. Three days after the blog post went up a natural hair blogger called JC of The natural haven blog wrote a response to this claim. She analysed how sealing with an oil or butter works and referenced JeniJen of Justgrowalready blog who actually conducted an experime
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